Penthouse to Pentecost

Penthouse to Pentecost

New episodes every other Wednesday

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The podcast is more of a passion project but really it was just put on my heart. It has been very cool for my relationship with God.

At the beginning of 2021, God gave me a vision; it was me, standing on a stage proclaiming His gospel and love for His people. I assumed it had something to do with celebrate recovery but after sharing a mini version of my testimony I shared that if my story had a name, it'd be "Penthouse to Pentecost". I was nervous to say that from a church stage. But when I did, it took away some residual shame I had left from my past.

And a few days later I was listening to a book, and I heard the quote in reference to women who have experienced sexual and domestic abuse, "A victim who is desperate to be heard will overlook the flaws of a movement who is willing to be angry on her behalf." It struck me to my core. God has given me a huge burden for abused and sexually exploited women. I knew I wanted to do something; I knew I HAD to do something.

What I’m learning the most is that when God speaks to me, I have an idea of what He means, but when it comes to pass, His plan is always so much greater and bigger than I could’ve imagined.

Rewind 2 years ago, my husband had purchased really nice podcast equipment with the dream of starting His own. The signs for podcast were all around. I had a name - Penthouse to Pentecost. I had the equipment. And most importantly, I had my why - to proclaim God's love for His broken daughters, to reach them in their brokenness, to walk alongside them, and to love them as Jesus loves - without conditions or judgment. To let them know they're not alone, and that what hurt them was not in God's plan.

This all brought me back to my vision of me on a platform. It became evident that the stage I saw wasn't an actual stage at all, it was this podcast platform.

What I'm learning the most is that when God speaks to me, I have an idea of what He means, but when it comes to pass, His plan is always so much greater and bigger than I could've imagined.